Photo Gallery Details
Motor Transport Museum builds the entrants gallery via their own web master free of charge, including the quarterly rotation of photos and information to your gallery. No more than 30 photos will be accepted for your gallery and all photos must have been taken at the Motor Transport Museum. There are no limitations to the style of photography submitted, as they may be color, black and white, monochrome, altered or retouched.
Within the gallery you have the opportunity to share links to your own site, blog, etc. as well as place logo's and information of your business. You also have an opportunity to share information about yourself and your visit to our museum.
Our museum has the right to refuse any photograph or links considered by them to be inappropriate. This means photographs or links containing nudity, sexual content or innuendos; vulgarity, racial or political slander, viruses, bots, cookies or anything the majority would consider to be in bad taste will be rejected.
To enter your photos into our gallery, please follow the directions, complete the "Gallery Entry Form" located below and send it to us via mail or e-mail along with your digital photos.
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the Gallery Entry Form. Click on the image below to get the Adobe Acrobat Reader.