Motor Transport MuseumMember Of Blue Star MuseumsFollow Us On FacebookFollow Us On YouTube

Updated 11 / 2020

Museum Activities

Activities Photos
Photos taken at various
MTM events or other
events we have been in-
volved with. Check out
how much fun members
have when they get in-
volved in our activities

Open House Events of the Past

Open House Photos
Each year we have an Open House event for the public and our members with a lot of fun activities, exhibits, entertainment, give aways, music and an
excellent lunch! See past
Open House photos!

Get The Popcorn!

Videos Of Interest
Throughout the years we have accumulated some interesting videos of our news interviews and of activities at home and abroad. You can watch them here!

Our Collection

Our Collection Photos
Photos and short narra-
tive of trucks, equipment
and other historical items
of interest which can be
found here at the
Museum. Our collection
is mainly themed about
pre war transport vehicles
and the transport industry.
Some of our trucks date as
far back as 1910 and in-
clude some very rarely

Restoration Projects

Restoration Photos
Photos taken at various
stages of MTM's restora-
tion projects such as the
Julian motorized stages
as well as some of our
own collection.
Here you will find both photos and movies to view of our dedicated restoration team and some of their handywork. At our museum we love to tinker and there is quite a collection to choose
to tinker with!

Our Collection

Photographers Gallery
Our museum has become quite the Photographers Heaven with its uniqe collection and eye candy, its rustic appeal and the ability for them to use the facility for private photo events. We also have a gallery for photographers to showcase their photos on our web site and to advertise their skills. You can view them here!



WEB SITE BY - ©2007 Motor Transport Museum  All mediums, photos and graphics belong to their respective owners.